We are only accepting invited proposals this year.

In past years, we invited new proposals for cutting-edge interdisciplinary projects that pushed the boundaries between basic and applied research, making fundamental contributions to our understanding of human performance within real-world contexts. For more specific requirements and instructions, including deadlines and downloadable forms, please see our "Instructions & Forms" section.

Proposals were aimed at fitting one of our annual topic areas, as defined below:

Topic A: Biosensing Individual and Small Team Status. Projects falling under this topic will focus on identifying, testing, evaluating, and validating innovative multi-modal (physiological, neurophysiological, behavioral, hormonal) sensor technologies and associated metrics. Sensor technologies can be laboratory- or consumer-grade, and be used for monitoring and characterizing cognitive and non-cognitive states such as frustration, mental workload, stress, readiness for problem-solving, fear, uncertainty, adaptability, agility, and fatigue (cognitive and/or physical).  Special emphasis will be placed on monitoring tools and techniques with validity for understanding cognition at the level of individuals and teams, and sensitivity, specificity, and reliability under conditions of ambulation and immersion in virtual reality.

Topic BNeuromodulation for Performance Enhancement. Projects falling under this topic will focus on characterizing the impact of emerging neuromodulation technologies on perceptual, cognitive, and motor performance. Technologies include but are not limited to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), and transcranial random noise stimulation (tRNS). Special emphasis will be placed on characterizing the influence of laboratory- and consumer-grade neuromodulation technologies on promoting knowledge and skill acquisition, adaptive decision-making, teamwork, and sustained performance under stress.

Topic CReality Augmentation for Performance Enhancement. Projects falling under this topic will focus on the influence of innovative technologies, such as augmented and mixed reality, on comprehension, learning, sustained performance under stress, and memory. Special emphasis will be placed on using augmented and/or mixed reality for visualizing complex information (e.g., multidimensional data, 3D terrain), accelerating knowledge and skill acquisition through virtual practice, methods for providing operators with actionable data without burdening primary task performance, and evaluations of individual- and team-level impacts of system characteristics.